Katherine McAlpine, Director, Brunel Museum and Jo Breeze, Crowdfunding Consultant
In April 2022, the Brunel Museum launched its Art of Engineering crowdfunding campaign. The objective was simple: We wanted to raise enough money to purchase a bespoke, archive quality display case to display the Thames Tunnel watercolours. A year on, we reflect on what we’ve learnt and how its changed our approach to fundraising.
Speakers: Katherine McAlpine, Director, Brunel Museum and Jo Breeze, Crowdfunding Consultant
The objective was simple: we wanted to raise enough money to purchase a bespoke, archive quality display case to display the Thames Tunnel watercolours. The measure of success, even simpler. If we didn’t raise the whole £18,500 within 30 days, we had failed. A year later, the team who delivered the campaign reflect on the strategies for success for conducting a campaign entirely online, from how to sweat existing assets, to creating new ones, and maximising amplifiers. We share top tips for starting your own crowdfunding campaign from selecting a clear target to ensure reward fulfilment.
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